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Big Macs served up with explosions....


One Hollywood Cinematic's first productions, and will always be remembered as a classic. This short, but action packed mini-movie was inspired by pyrotechnics creator Noah Therkeld and filmed and produced by Karl Morkunas. With Noah's knowledge of pyrotechnics and Karl Morkunas's film knowledge they both produced a comedy action about an attack on a McDonald's restaurant.

Rosie, Terrorist Rachzee, and
Leon Kennedy

A Cinematic Original! -Sherrie Morkunas (Critic)
Comical, action packed, original! -Michael Ellis (Critic)
The one that started it all! -Karl Morkunas (Writer, Director, and producer)
Beautiful Explosions! -Noah Threkeld (Special Effects Manager)

Total Run Time: Unknown
Date of production: 1999
File Size: Unknown
Audio format: 32000 Hz, Stereo, 16 Bits
Estimated Release Date: Original only, VCD expected soon
Targeted Website release: Delayed